

Twenty-six-year-old Renee Ledoux is on a mission. The Dearborn resident is four years in active recovery. She first explored opioids at 15 after an injury and became dependent on the medication. After a challenging period of COVID-19, she decided to break free of the cycle of addiction. After taking some stops along the way to find the best fit for support, her recovery Journey made its stride with Safe Step in Westland in 2021. This connection changed her life, she not only got clean and joined the NA (Narcotics Anonymous) softball league, but she also restored love, from a marriage torn apart from addiction, now mended in recovery.

The married mom of a two-year-old, she says her daughter is her biggest motivation. “It’s not just the addict that suffers but the children and the whole community that person is connected to.”

In college, before addiction, she majored in bio-med, so, helping was always in her spirit. “When you have gone from darkness to light, all because of something you didn’t think was possible, but really is, you want to share with others,” said Ledoux.

Recovery strengthened her resolve and sense of duty to help those in need.

She is using her DWIHN Dreams Come True mini grant to get her education back on track, this time in Health and Human Services and Social Work. She’s currently enrolled in a BSA looking into two programs, one at U of M Dearborn and one at U of M Flint. Both leading her to a place where she can be a light in the darkness for someone like her.

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