After serving 25 years in prison, Dwight repaired his life and found his purpose as a community activist, fighting stigma for individuals sincerely looking for a fresh start coming out of the correctional system.
Even though he paid his debt to society – refocused and rehabilitated– he has faced tremendous challenges re-learning the world and continues to deal with barriers to a better life. “People want to hold you to who you were and not who you are.” He said, as he has even experienced extensive discrimination even within his own family.
It was then that he truly understood the power of inclusion and began to work in spaces to empower others, finding solutions to access. He worked with DWIHN provider Team Wellness for three months prior to joining DWIHN as a peer support specialist in January 2023.
A Fresh Start
A Mother's Love begins Recovery Journey
Sheree Braswell
"More Than A Diagnosis"